Visual Arts


Course Objectives:

The primary mission of our department is to foster creativity and critical thinking, cultivate aesthetic sensitivity, promote cultural awareness, and develop effective communication skills. Our goal is to equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and positive values and attitudes in the arts. Through engaging in artistic activities, we aim to provide students with opportunities to experience joy, pleasure, and fulfillment while fostering a lifelong interest in the arts.


Collaboration with Other Departments:

To enhance the interdisciplinary learning experience, our department actively collaborates with other departments, creating meaningful connections across subjects. Here are some examples of our collaborations:


S1 (Maths and Visual Arts):

In collaboration with the Mathematics department, we integrate concepts such as tessellation and zentangle into art projects. Students explore the relationship between mathematical principles and visual aesthetics, creating artwork that incorporates geometric patterns and symmetry.


S2 (ICT and Visual Arts):

Collaborating with the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) department, we engage students in furniture design and 3D modeling projects. Students learn to combine artistic vision with technological skills, designing and creating virtual models of ideal lifestyles and furniture pieces.


S3 (Business Studies and Visual Arts):

In collaboration with the Business Studies department, we incorporate entrepreneurial and marketing concepts into art projects. Students explore graphic design and develop skills in creating art with commercial appeal, considering factors such as target audience, branding, and marketability.


By collaborating with other departments, we aim to provide students with a holistic and integrated learning experience. These collaborations allow students to recognize the connections between different subjects and apply their artistic skills and knowledge in real-world contexts. Additionally, these interdisciplinary projects help students develop transferable skills and a broader understanding of the role of art in various fields, fostering their ability to communicate and collaborate effectively beyond the realm of the arts.


Activity Highlights and Selected Student Achievement:

Visit to M+

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Visit to MOA

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Artist Sharing: Eastmen Cheng

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Jockey Club “Handmade Wellbeing” Youth Craft Education Programme by CUHK

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Poetry Remake Competition 22/23

5S WONG Hei Ting:  Outstanding Award

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The Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition

6L PAU Sum Lui Shanel:  Merit Award and Harbour Love Special Award


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Department Member



Subject & Level

Ms Sin Ka Wai, Clare

S.2, S.3, S.5

Mr Siu Kam Kuen

S.2, S.4, S.6

Ms On Yan Yi, Fion
