Citizenship, Economics and Society

The aims of the Citizenship, Economics and Society curriculum are:

  1. to help students develop a positive self-understanding, enhance competence to meet daily and future challenges, seize opportunities, as well as pursue their goals and realise their aspirations;
  2. to nurture students to become informed and responsible citizens who respect the rule of law, have a sense of national identity, and contribute to the common good of society and our country;
  3. to strengthen students’ understanding of national and local economic and social affairs, and nurture their sense of national identity;
  4. to promote students’ understanding of our country and strengthen their sense of national identity and sense of belonging towards our country; and
  5. to cultivate students’ concern for local, national and contemporary world topics, help them understand how our country cooperates with other countries in responding to global issues, and broaden their global perspective.



Our CES curriculum is tailored to the needs of our students, with the following characteristics:

  • To develop students’ learning skills, habits and attitudes, visual tools are introduced to students; lesson preparation and frequent collaboration among students are required.
  • To develop students’ higher-order thinking skills, tasks for logical thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making are incorporated into the curriculum.
  • To enhance students’ awareness towards the community and current issues with close linkage between knowledge and real-life issues.
  • The teaching content will be regularly updated to align with the focuses of curriculum development proposed by the EDB.



The four senior secondary core subjects have been implemented in the 2021/22 school year. The CES curriculum will align with changes in the senior secondary school curriculum, build on the foundation of primary education, help students acquire related knowledge and skills, and develop values and attitudes to establish a solid foundation and advance to their studies at the senior secondary level.


Our Curriculum

Secondary 1



Self-understanding and Life Skills

·       How to understand, accept, appreciate and cherish oneself from different perspectives?

·       How to develop a positive self-concept, raise self-esteem and build self-confidence?

·       Life skills included:

-     emotion management

-     time management

-     media and information literacy and

-     life planning

Interpersonal Relationships and Social Inclusiveness

·       Importance of family to personal growth, skills to resolve interpersonal conflicts and the strategies of maintaining harmonious relationships with family members and enhancing family cohesion

·       Principles and ways of establishing and maintaining peer relationships and coping with peer pressure

·       Proper attitudes and behaviours when getting along with people of different backgrounds

Financial Education

·       How to make informed, rational and responsible decisions on money management?

·       Precautions against online shopping

·       How to reduce waste, protect the environment and conserve resources of the earth by practising green consumption?

Rights and Duties

·       Key focuses of fundamental rights and obligations of citizens prescribed in the Basic Law

·       Fundamental rights and duties of Hong Kong residents under the Basic Law

·       Key focuses of rights and responsibilities covered in international agreements which are related to children’s rights and the elimination of prejudice and discrimination, and understand how international agreements apply to the HKSAR in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law.


Secondary 2



Overcoming Growth Challenges

·       Developing positive values and self-management skills in adolescents to overcome growth challenges, reject and stay away from undesirable behaviours

-     importance of a healthy and meaningful lifestyle

-     features, causes, impacts and preventive strategies of undesirable behaviours

Financial Education

·       How to make informed, rational and responsible decisions on money management?

·       Precautions against online shopping

·       How to reduce waste, protect the environment and conserve resources of the earth by practising green consumption?

Governance of HKSAR

·       The relationship between the Central Authorities and the HKSAR as prescribed by the Basic Law

·       The constitutional order of the HKSAR as established by the Constitution and the Basic Law, the characteristics of the political structure of the HKSAR, and the direction of development for the methods of selecting the Chief Executive and forming the legislature

Public Finance of Hong Kong

·       The government’s major items of government revenue and expenditure

·       Factors that the government will consider when managing public finance as well as the constraints it faces

·       Relationship between public finance and citizens

Economic Performance and Human Resources of Hong Kong

·       Economic performance of Hong Kong

·       Opportunities and challenges brought by economic globalisation to Hong Kong

·       Opportunities and challenges of youth employment brought by the economic ups and downs and industrial development