Financial Assistance Scheme

As part of its community obligations, the College offers a financial assistance scheme to students each year. Families, provided that they have adequately completed the application procedures, may be eligible to receive a school fee waiver either 50% or 100% for that school year.

To apply, parents or students should obtain an application form using this link. All completed forms, together with a full set of the documents required should be submitted to the General Office in August. The College needs to view such documents so as to ensure that our limited resources are allocated to where they are needed most. Students and their families may also apply for many other funds offered by public organizations or companies. Parents may contact the General Office for further details.


Levels of Assistance

Calculation based on the “Adjusted Family Income” (AFI) mechanism as follows:


Self Photos / Files - AFI

Please input the data to quick view your result for reference:
Gross annual income of the family
Number of family members
2024/25 school year – AFI Groups between (HK$) Level of Assistance
0  –  44,495 Full*
44,496  –  86,039 Half
>  86,039 Ineligible


AFI thresholds for full level of assistance for 3-member and 4-member families are $53,868 and $49,559 respectively in the 2024/25 school year.  For 2-member single-parent families and 3-member single-parent families, they are regarded as 3-member families and 4-member families respectively for determining the AFI thresholds for full level of assistance and calculation of AFI.



Download the Guidance Notes on the College's Financial Assistance Scheme 2024/25 (Eng)

Download the Guidance Notes on the College's Financial Assistance Scheme 2024/25 (Chi)


Link to School Fees