On 28 January 2015, our Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal and Career Master visited the Hong Kong Baptist University on her Secondary School Principals’ Day 2015. The main year theme was “Future Leader 2020 (未來領袖 2020)”. The event of the day started with the opening remarks by Prof. Albert CHAN, the President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU and followed by a plenary session hosted by Dr. Leung Wing Tai, the General Secretary of Breakthrough Ltd. This Secondary School Principals' Day aims to enhance the discussion between the secondary school sector and the University on the attributes of a future leader and how educators could unleash students' potentials and groom them to be future leaders. Then, principals and teachers were invited to join various parallel sessions and guided tours such as Science in Entertainment; First-hand Experience in Chinese Medicine Knowledge and Education; Faculty of Social Sciences: “ Think Globally Act Locally- Cultivating a Glocalized Generation etc. We found the Principals’ Day informative and had a fruitful day. Click here for more photos / video.