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2017-01-26   The 8th Kowloon Region Outstanding Students Award

We are pleased to announce that Lee Hoi Lam, Karis of our College (5L20) was awarded the Kowloon Region Outstanding Students Award(九龍地域優秀學生獎)by the Kowloon Region Outstanding Students’ Association in recognition of her outstanding all-round achievements. Award winners not only had to demonstrate a high level of academic attainment, but also talents in different aspects, such as performing arts, sports, leadership and critical thinking skills, as well as the commitment to serve the community. Together with 30 award winners from other schools, Karis went on a three-day cultural exchange tour to Foshan(佛山)last July. The trip provided a valuable opportunity for her to learn more about the culture, history and economic development of the city.


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