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2017-04-18   S1 Tainan Study Tour 2017

A four-day study tour to Tainan was held from April 18 to 21 to broaden students’ horizons and give them an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the city’s unique geographical landscape. 36 S1 students, along with 4 teachers, participated in this tour.


The trip kicked off with the visit to the Taiwan Sugar Museum (Kaohsiung), which was once a sugar refinery factory during the Japanese rule of Taiwan. Students also visited various museums to know more about the city’s latest development and culture, such as the Tree Valley Life Science Museum, National Science and Technology Museum, Shell Museum and Soya-Mixed Meat Museum. Before heading to the beautiful Kenting, students took part in a beach clean-up activity, through which they learnt about the importance of marine conservation.


In Kenting, students learnt about the environmental conservation work in Taiwan, through visits to Kenting National Park and Pintung Incineration Plant. Besides, students went to National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium to see different kinds of marine animals. The highlight of the trip was the visit to the night market to try local food. Students also had a lot of fun learning how to make pineapple pies at a DIY workshop.


The trip was a rewarding experience for the students. It gave them a chance to experience life and culture in another city and gain valuable insights into sustainable development.


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