On April 26, four S1 students from our College took part in the recording session of the “Teen Time — Open Space” programme on RTHK Radio 3. Co-organized by RTHK and the Education Bureau, the programme aims to provide a platform for teenagers to talk about hot topics related to them.
It was the second time that our school joined this meaningful programme. On that day, our student representatives Charlotte Chan, Winki Tsang, Rana Jong Shan and Robin Singh talked to DJ Judd about their views on the topic “Tips for Caring for Others’. They thought many Hong Kong people did not care much about the people around them. Part of the reason might be that they didn’t know how to express love and care towards others. In the programme, our students would like to share with the public some tips on how to be a more caring person. They also talked about their experience of being caring (e.g. doing favours for others, sharing with others, doing volunteering work, remembering important details about others’ lives). It was really an eye-opening experience for the students as they had a chance to see how a radio programme is created in the studio and at the same time enhance their presentation skills.
The programme will be broadcast on RTHK Radio 3 on Thursday, June 7 from 9 pm to 10 pm. The clip will be uploaded to the RTHK website (http://app3.rthk.hk/special/teentime/yourvoice.php) within a day or two after the broadcast. Some photos of the programme will also be available on Teen Time’s Facebook page (http://app3.rthk.hk/special/teentime/yourvoice.php) . Do stay tuned to the programme to show your support for our students!