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2019-02-27   Earth Hour 2019 School Outreach: Student Ambassador Programme

To raise students’ awareness of the problem of plastic waste and hence their concern for environmental protection, the College arranged for some S4 and S5 students to take part in the “Earth Hour 2019 School Outreach: Student Ambassador Programme” organized by World Wide Fund (WWF).


The activity took place during Liberal Studies lessons on 27 and 28 February, 2019. As part of the programme, participating students had to conduct research to find out about public’s views on restriction of single-use plastic cutlery in the catering industry. Students got into groups and interviewed different stakeholders using three sets of questionnaires, during which they also did some observations. Based on the findings, they wrote up a report about the phenomenon of plastic usage in Hong Kong. The data so collected were then sent to WWF for further analysis purpose.  


The activity offered a valuable opportunity for students to learn more about environmental issues, and at the same time put into practice the research methods that they may later use to conduct their Independent Enquiry Study (IES) as part of the Liberal Studies curriculum. We hope that students will take an active role in protecting the environment by leading a green lifestyle and by reducing the use of disposable plastic products in their daily life.


Click here for more photos.

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