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2019-06-24   RTHK Teen Time Open Space Radio Programme

We are delighted to share with you that four of our S1 students joined the recording session of the “Teen Time — Open Space” programme with DJ Alyson on RTHK Radio 3 on 24 June, 2019. Co-organized by RTHK and the Education Bureau, the programme aims to provide a platform for teenagers to talk about topics related to them. The student representatives are Casey Chung and Henry Lo from 1J, and Sitwat Ahmed and Matt Cheng from 1E. In the programme, they talked about their favourite things in life and were commended by the DJ for their eloquence and English ability. They all received a 100-dollar book coupon and a USB from the DJ as gifts after the recording. We are so proud of our S1 students’ performance!


In case you have missed the programme, the clip has been uploaded to the RTHK website ( Stay tuned and enjoy!


Click here for more photos.

DJ Alyson Hau is introducing the facilities of a studio to students
Our S.1 DJs!
Our S.1 students with their English teacher Ms Muriel Weng