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2019-09-10   ECA Promotion Days 2019/20

As part of our effort to nurture students’ all-round development, the College encourages students to take part in different extra-curricular activities. Around 35 programmes are offered this school year, which fall into five categories: academic clubs, interest clubs, uniform groups, music groups and sports groups.


On 10 and 11 September, the ECA Team organized a two-day promotion event during which students could get to know more about the various extra-curricular activities before making a decision on which one to join. For the student committee, it was also a good learning opportunity for them to enhance their communication skills through promoting their club/team to fellow schoolmates.


The ECA Promotion Days were a great success. We believe through participation in extra-curricular activities, not only can students tap deeper into their potential and talents, but they can also acquire knowledge and skills that cannot be easily delivered in a classroom setting.


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