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2019-10-12   Training Day Camp for Peer Counselors

To promote a caring and supportive school environment and to assist S1 students to adapt to secondary school life, the College implements a “Peer Counselling Scheme” under which each S1 freshman is assigned a peer mentor from senior forms who will help them cope with issues related to learning and personal growth.


To equip the Peer Counselors with the necessary skills so that they can better assist their S1 mentees, the Guidance and Counselling Team organized a training day camp at Hong Kong Baptist Assembly on 12 October. Following some ice-breaking games and case study discussions, the students took part in different team-building activities which required them to work closely together as a team to solve a problem or complete an assigned task. They also successfully challenged themselves to complete various adventure-based activities (e.g. rope course) with the support and encouragement of teammates. Through these activities, not only did the Peer Counselors develop better communication and problem solving skills, but they also got to understand the importance of collaboration and teamwork. 


It was indeed a fun and enjoyable day for all the Peer Counselors! We hope they can put into the practice the various skills they have acquired to help their S1 mentees in this school year.


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