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2020-01-15   Play along Bach with Borromeo String Quartet Concert

To cultivate students’ interest in music and aesthetic sense, the College joined the “2019/20 Arts Experience Scheme for Senior Secondary Students” organized by the Premiere Performance Hong Kong. Under this scheme, participants can join different educational music activities.


On January 15, our students attended the concert Play along Bach with Borromeo String Quartet, which featured highly acclaimed musicians – The Borromeo String Quartet. Apart from giving a stunning performance, the musicians also explained some of the remarkable features of Bach’s music. The climax of the show was when performers in the audience, including our students, were invited to join the quartet in playing and studying the pieces together.


It was a fruitful experience for our students to have the opportunity to perform on stage and collaborate with one of the most sought-after string quartets in the world, and they looked forward to more of such activities in the future.


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