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2021-05-07   General Arts Afternoon

Featuring a wide range of interesting activities to help develop the aesthetic attributes and creativity of students at different levels, the General Arts Afternoon held on May 7 was a success.


A programme – the ‘Joyful Fruit Day’ – encompassing activities such as a puzzle game and a slogan and poster design competition, was held to arouse S1 students’ awareness about the health benefits of eating fruits every day. To promote a healthy lifestyle through exercise, which is particularly crucial during the Covid-19 pandemic, engaging sports activities such as Frisbee, Finska and Shuttle Kicking were organized for S2. It was really great to see students and teachers getting together to discover the joy of exercising.

Mr Keith Wong, a guest musician, was invited to give a guitar performance to S3 students who expressed that they enjoyed the music and had learned more about the guitar. Positive feedback was also received from S4 and S5 students who attended a calligraphy workshop and a zine-making workshop respectively.


Apart from fun, students have learned a lot from the activities as mentioned. Both teachers and students are looking forward to the next General Arts Afternoon to be held on a designated date in 2023.


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