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2022-07-25   Leadership Training Programme—Final Challenge Day

Following the two leadership training programmes that were held via Zoom last October and November, a Final Challenge Day was organized by the ECA Team on 25 July for committee members of the four houses to consolidate and apply the knowledge and skills they had acquired.


The day was packed with exciting activities, all designed to equip the student leaders with essential leadership qualities and enhance their communication and problem-solving skills. It started off with the Dobble card game which aims to train students’ concentration and observation skills. Each student was given two cards with one symbol in common, and they had to find and name it to win. The next activity was a card pairing game which put students’ short-term memory to the test. Students got into groups, with two students coming out each time to flip over two cards. The two students then told the next players in their group about the locations of the cards. The game went on until the group managed to flip over all the matching cards without making a mistake. The highlight of the day was the “20 mini-task challenge”. Students worked closely together to complete various hands-on practical tasks, through which they learnt practical skills for leading activities and effective team building.


The leadership training programme was a success. By the end of the programme, students have become more confident in their role as leaders and hence in a better position to serve the school community.


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