
Characteristics of our History curriculum


Our History curriculum is tailored to the needs of our students, with the following characteristics:


  • the abridged version textbooks are chosen to provide students with basic knowledge of the topics while the extended parts are optional for the more capable or interested students;


  • active learning approach is adopted to help students develop various generic skills and higher-order thinking skills for further studies;


  • to ensure a smooth transition of learning for students who may take History at senior secondary level;


  • to enhance students’ interest in the subject and awareness of human society today through life-wide learning opportunities;


  • the teaching content is often updated to meet the needs of students.


Course Content





Enquiry questions

1. Human needs: past and present


What basic human needs led to the emergence of early civilisations?

What are the main characteristics of early civilisations?


2. The development of European



a. Overview of ancient Greek and ancient Roman civilisation

- What legacy has the classical European civilisation left to us?


b. Medieval Europe and the making of Christendom
- What were the characteristics of medieval Europe?


3. The rise of Islamic civilisation and cultural interactions between Europe and Asia in Medieval Times



How related were the achievements of the Islamic civilisation and cultural interactions between Europe and Asia in Medieval Times?

4. History, culture and heritage of early Hong Kong region


How do we find the imprints related to the historical development of Hong Kong region?





Enquiry questions

5. The rise of modern


How did new ideas and progress in science and technology foster significant development in the west?

6. European colonial expansion

What impact did European colonial expansion have on the peoples in the Americas, Africa and Asia?


7. The founding and

development of the

United States (US)


How was the United States founded? What were the major internal and external developments of the country after its independence?


8. Growth and development of Hong Kong up to the late 19th century


What impact did the British colonial rule and different local organisations have on the development of Hong Kong?