Citizenship and Social Development (S4-6)
Citizenship and Social Development adheres to the rationale of the senior secondary Liberal Studies curriculum. The curriculum emphasises helping senior secondary students understand the situations of Hong Kong, the country and the contemporary world, as well as their pluralistic and interdependent nature. Through the learning process, students can connect the knowledge learnt in various subjects at the junior and senior secondary levels, and understand, study and explore different topics from multiple perspectives, so as to construct more knowledge relevant to various themes and build up a more solid knowledge base. Furthermore, students can understand the complexities, major considerations and priorities involved in the topics, decision-making process and different solutions to problems, in order to help students:
(a) acquire a broad knowledge base, and understand contemporary issues that may affect their daily life at personal, community, national and global levels;
(b) become informed and responsible citizens with a sense of national identity and global perspective;
(c) respect pluralism of cultures and views, and become critical, rational, reflective and independent thinkers; and
(d) acquire skills necessary to life-long learning, and be confident in facing future challenges.
Areas of Study
A. Hong Kong under “One Country, Two Systems”
- The meaning and implementation of “one country, two systems”
- Situation of the country and sense of national
- Characteristics of cultural diversity of the Hong Kong society
B. Our Country since Reform and Opening-up
- Change in people’s life and overall national strength
- The development of our country and the integration of Hong Kong into the overall national development
- Participation in international affairs
C. Interconnectedness and Interdependence of the Contemporary World
- Economic globalisation
- Technological development and information literacy
- Sustainable development
- Public health and human health
Field-work in Mainland China
Chinese Culture and Modern Life (Not included in Public Examination)
- Nature of traditional Chinese culture
- Introduction to the Mainland study tour
Topic 1: Hong Kong under “One Country, Two Systems”
Learning Foci
1. The meaning and implementation of “one country, two systems”
- Brief introduction to the origin of the question of Hong Kong (the three unequal treaties and the background) and the process of Hong Kong’s return to China
- Constitutional relationship between the country and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) (China has indisputable sovereignty and jurisdiction over Hong Kong), legal basis of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law
- Significance of safeguarding national security (i.e. a holistic approach to national security); the National Security Law and promoting long-term development of Hong Kong; and striking the balance between rule of law and human rights
- Political structure of the HKSAR
- Significance of rule of law: law-abidingness; judicial independence; equality before the law; fair and open trial
- Fundamental rights and duties of Hong Kong residents as stipulated in the Basic Law
1. Situation of the country and sense of national identity
- Brief introduction to the contemporary situation of the country: political structure of the country; composition of the Chinese nation; concept of Chinese nationality and Chinese citizens
- The national symbols (national flag, national emblem, national anthem) and stipulations as stated in Annex III to the Basic Law
- Achievements of the country in different areas in recent years (new high-end technologies, medical care and public health, culture and education, infrastructures, poverty eradication)
- Benefits and contributions of the HKSAR’s participation in national affairs:
- benefits: the country’s policies supporting the development of Hong Kong; enabling Hong Kong to have the advantage of “one country, two systems”
- contributions: Hong Kong promoting the development of and exchange with the Mainland in different areas; donations for natural disasters and supporting the needs of the developing regions of the Mainland
2. Characteristics of cultural diversity of the Hong Kong society
- Factors shaping the characteristics of cultural diversity with Chinese culture as the mainstay in the Hong Kong society: brief introduction to the development of Hong Kong, the impact of Chinese traditional culture integrating with different cultures on the Hong Kong society
- Positive significance of the characteristics of cultural diversity to the Hong Kong society: promoting inclusion of cultures, facilitating cultural innovations and reflections, promoting harmony among different ethnic groups, nurturing citizenship rooted in Chinese culture with a global perspective
Topic 2: Our Country since Reform and Opening-up
Learning Foci
1. Change in people’s life and overall national strength
- Brief introduction to the development of China’s reform and opening-up (key stages) and related strategies
- Changes and enhancement of people’s quality of life (income, mode of consumption, educational level, standard of medical care, life expectancy, poverty eradication, etc.)
- Enhancement of overall national strength (economy, culture, natural resources, education, technology, national defence, etc.)
2. The development of our country and the integration of Hong Kong into the overall national development
- The focuses and policies of the recent Five-Year Plans of our country, and the connection of these focuses and policies with the promotion of the development of our country and Hong Kong
- The development plans and policies related to Hong Kong (the development of the Greater Bay Area, The Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)) and the relationship with the promotion of the development of Hong Kong
3. Participation in international affairs
- The notion of multifaceted diplomacy since the 21st century
- Actions and initiatives: rescues of various nature and assistance to other countries; setting up international organisations and organising international forums; the Belt and Road Initiative
- Impact of participation in international affairs on the country’s overall development, and the active role played by Hong Kong
Topic 3: Interconnectedness and Interdependence of the Contemporary World
Learning Foci
1. Economic globalization
- Interdependence of economies of all countries and cooperation of international economic organisations; development of multinational corporations, global labour and financial market integration; development of new economies and the impact on individuals (consumption and employment) and the development of Hong Kong and our country
2. Technological development and information literacy
- Brief introduction to the latest technological development around the world: artificial intelligence, big data, cloud storage of data
- Development features of information technology: the Internet, social networking sites, instant messaging software
- Relationship between information literacy and positive values; identifying false information; morals and conduct in using technologies; observing the relevant laws
3. Sustainable development
- The rationale of sustainable development and the practical experiences of environmental conservation of our country, Hong Kong and other regions
- The roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in promoting environmental conservation
4. Public health and human health
- Functions and roles of the World Health Organization in global public health matters
- Contributions of our country and Hong Kong to global public health (particularly in preventing and controlling infectious diseases)
- Individuals’ responsibilities in promoting public health (particularly in responding to infectious diseases)
Mainland Study Tour
Learning focus
Chinese Culture and Modern Life
(10-hour learning time)
Nature of traditional Chinese culture
- Online self-learning of articles introducing the special characteristics of traditional Chinese culture
- Conservation and inheritance of cultural heritage (including tangible and intangible cultural heritage), including applying technology in conservation works
Introduction to the Mainland study tour
- Study tour to the Mainland to experience the conservation and inheritance of Chinese culture in society
§ Detailed planning and reading information before the study tour
§ Methods of on-site collection of information
§ Study tour report drafting requirements
Yearly Functions and Activities
Talk about National Security Law

Talk about National Security Law

Basic Law Poster Competition
RTHK Young Politician
Visit to Tai Kwun

Seminar about rule of Law
Hong Kong Basic Law Ambassador Training Scheme
S5 Mainland Study Tour

S5 Mainland Study Tour

S5 Visit to Sam Tung Uk Museum

Project Presentation

Project Presentation