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2014-06-11   Good News from the Science Elite Club

10 students from the Science Elite Club have achieved good results in the 2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) in the stream of Science. These students are:


2I34 - SARAN Sarneet Kaur: Distinction


2I08 - CHOI Tsz Ki, Kier 蔡子麒: Credit


2I30 - MURILLO Michaela Bautista: Credit


2I38 - TARIQ Tasphiya Tabassum Preeti: Credit


2I36 - SINGH Rajpreet: Credit


2R01 - CHAN Tsz Chun Io 陳子雋: Credit


1M02 - AHMAD Mohammed Adil Niyaz 麥安迪: Credit


1M27 - SHEA Jun Yu, Nicholas 佘峻佑: Credit


3E11 - GURUNG Binay: Credit


3T25 - MAH Sung Hin, Angus 馬崇軒: Credit