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2014-06-11   Good News from Mathematics Olympiad Team

10 students from S1 to S5 joining the 2014 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Mathematics section. Many of them got excellent results. They totally got 2 High Distinction Certificates, 2 Distinction Certificates, 4 Credit Certificates. They are as follows:


1J32 - Nicholas Yeung 楊逸: High Distinction Certificate


5L05 - Mark Chan 陳栢聰: High Distinction Certificate


2I36 - SINGH Rajpreet: Distinction Certificate


4R09 - KHAN Umaash Ahmed: Distinction Certificate


3E26 - PARK Yuna: Credit Certificate


3E11 - GURUNG Binay: Credit Certificate


4R14 - Victor Lee 李健朗: Credit Certificate


5L04 - Jonathan Chan 陳嘉俊: Credit Certificate