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2014-09-23   Heiward Mak Sharing

Campus TV Team invited Ms. Heiward Mak (麥曦茵), who is a promising director in HK to share with our students her ideas about creativity, film, and dreams. Ms. Heiward Mak was born in Hong Kong in 1984. She graduated with a Diploma in Design Studies from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2003. She graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Creative Media in the same year. Her graduation assignment and her first short film, Lovers’ Lover, received the Golden Award in the Open Category of the 12th Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards (IFVA), The International Young Film Makers Award of 9th International Film Festival Hanover (2007), and was an official selection in the 14th Women Make Waves Film Festival in Taiwan. Winds of September-the Hong Kong Chapter, High Noon (2008) is her first directorial feature. Click here for more photos / video.
