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2014-11-27   Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme

This year, our school joined the “Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme 馬蹄蟹校園保姆計劃” organized and funded by City University of Hong Kong and Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong. Horseshoe crabs have been present on the earth around for over 300 million years and we usually call it as living fossils. They are older than the dinosaurs and they experienced five mass extinction events on the earth. Scientists believed that they have special features to allow them to adapt very well under changes. In this programme, 5 horseshoe crab babies were sent to our school Biology laboratory and a group of S4 students are responsible to rear them in these 8 months. After 8 months, they will be released to the natural environment. Our students are responsible to feed the crabs, monitor the living environment including water temperature, salinity of water, measure the growth of them etc. On the first day when the crabs arrived our school, our students were excited and showed their interest in learning more about them. Click here for more photos / video.
