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2014-11-22   CityU Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge 2014 Championship

The 'CityU Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge' is an annual event that was held on 22nd November. The City University focuses on discovery and innovation and students got to experience that through a campus tour. Thereafter, a debate workshop was held in which students were given an opportunity to analyze the composition of debate speeches. Finally, three of our students competed against St. Louis school and won the championship for the second time in a row. Debaters in the competition included: Sristi Gurung (5R), April Berago (5R), and Anish Kumar (5R). Anish was the best speaker. Other participants included: Masira Ahmad (4T), Elvain Delara (4R), Bhupinder Singh (5S), Wendy Mcleod (5R) and Merina Phagami(4R). The motion of the debate was that "the Hong Kong Government is doing enough to tackle climate change". Our school was the negative team. There was also an article featuring this event in SCMP Young Post on December 10. Click here for more photos / video.
