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2015-06-22   Liberal Studies Comic Commentary Competition

RTHK held the “Liberal Studies Comic Commentary Competition” in May and June. Our students S5R(18) NG Kwun Chuen (吳冠銓) and S5I(20) WONG Cho Yan (黃楚恩) won the monthly masterpieces and are the candidates of the “Most Popular Commentary Competition”. The “Most Popular Commentary Competition” is currently in the voting process. The due date for voting is June 30, 2015. Support our students by casting your vote. Please follow the below voting procedure: 1. Visit (Chinese Only) 2. Click on the head icon of our students (e.g. 吳冠銓 or 黃楚恩), and press "投我一票" button and it will become "已選取" 3. Fill in the personal information and press the "遞交" button Act now and cast your vote here: Click here for more photos / video.

Liberal Studies Comic 01
Liberal Studies Comic 02
Liberal Studies Comic