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2016-05-03   2015/16 Hong Kong GreenMech Contest (香港機關王競賽)

Four members from our Science Elite Team won the 2nd Runner-up and the Creativity Award in the 2015/16 Hong Kong GreenMech Contest (香港機關王競賽) organized by the Centre for Creative Science and Technology of the HKFYG. The members are: 3C CHEUNG Mei Sin Kristie 3C CHAU Hon Sum, Hanson 2C NG Wing Him, Thomas 2C CHUI Ka Chun, Terry They had worked hard on this project for half a year. Because of their excellent performance, they were invited to represent our College and Hong Kong to join the 2016 World GreenMech Contest (世界機關王競賽) in Taiwan in the coming July. Click here for more photos / video.
