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2017-02-14   Radio Play Competition – “History and Culture Lesson: When East Meets West”

Five S2 students from our College participated in the Radio Play Competition jointly organized by the Hong Kong Chinese Culture Department Association and the Metro Radio this year. As part of the competition, students had to write a story script and a 4-panel comic strip on the theme of “History and Culture Lesson: When East Meets West”. They also attended a two-day workshop on radio broadcasting. On 11 Feb and 14 Feb, they were invited to the Metro Radio in Whampoa Garden to record their story, which was about Zheng He’s expeditions to the Western Pacific in the 15th century. It was an unforgettable and precious learning experience for our students. The competition gave them an opportunity to consolidate and extend their knowledge of Chinese History, as well as to enhance their oral speaking skills.


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