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2017-03-13   General Arts Week

The General Arts Week was successfully held from March 6 to March 13, during which a wide range of interesting learning activities were organized to broaden students’ horizons and enhance their interests in Home Economics, Music, Visual Arts and sports.


The parade of events opened with the music performance by the HK Philharmonic on March 6. All S1 and S2 students went to the School Hall at lunchtime to enjoy an amazing concert featuring various pieces for Brass and String Ensemble. 


On March 7, there was a ‘Knit without Boundary Workshop’. Students had a lot of fun learning how to knit scarves with a punch card knitting machine. The finished scarves will be displayed at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and then given to the elderly and the people in hospital as gifts.


On March 9, we were honoured to have invited Mr Francis Mok, the Music Director of the Hong Kong Medical Association Choir, to come to our school for a recital. Students were inspired by his sharing about his career aspirations as a professional singer and music coach.


On March 10, the Jockey Club “Museum of Art on Wheels” Outreach Learning Programme was run at our College. An art truck from the Museum of Art toured to our school to promote Chinese calligraphy art to our students. A wide range of activities were also organized in the afternoon on the same day, including a music performance by S1 students, a talk on “Acute Management of Sport Injury”, and a seminar on “Green Fashion” by Ms Rebecca Leung. The highlight of the day was the “Inter-house Cooking Competition” where parents, teachers and students teamed up to made low-carbon lunchboxes.


As a grand finale, a Towngas “Flame Cooking” Ambassador Visit was arranged on March 13. Students had a good time learning how to cook a few simple but delicious dishes.


The General Arts Week gave students a chance to develop their creativity and aesthetic qualities. We look forward to the General Arts Week next year.


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