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2017-04-24   1+1 Science Tip-top Talent Scheme 2016/17

We are pleased to announce that Kier Choi of 5L from our College were among the 5 outstanding teams in the territory that were selected to participate in the 1+1 Science Tip-top Talent Scheme this year. Organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the 10-month programme aimed at nurturing talented students to be scientists of the future. Enrolled students will perform research on the projects they are interested in. They will have an opportunity to create their own inventions under the guidance of professors from different universities in Hong Kong.


Kier was paired up with his mentor Dr Goh Swee Kuan, an experienced instructor from the Department of Physics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who will provide advice on his proposed research topic. Over the next few months, they will work closely together on the project on “Finding New Superconducting Materials”.



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