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2017-04-18   Kyushu 5-day Culture and Geographical Resources Study Tour 2017

To enable students to learn more about the geographical features of Japan, and to enhance their understanding of the country’s culture and traditions, a 5-day study tour to Kyushu was organized from April 18 to 22. Twenty S3 to S5 students and two teachers joined the tour, which was packed with fun and educational activities.


The trip kicked off with the visit to the Shiroyama Observation Point (城山展望台), from where students enjoyed the beautiful night view of the city. Students also visited various scenic spots to learn about Japan’s unique geographical features,    such as Maruo Falls (丸尾瀑布) and Takachiho Gorge (高千穗峽). They also visited the active composite volcano Mt. Sakurajima (櫻島火山), as well as the famous “Devil’s Washboard”(堀切峠—鬼之洗板), which is a special washboard-like landscape formed from layers of parallel rocks being washed over by waves over thousands of years.


During the tour, students got plenty of opportunities to experience local culture. For instance, they took a tour of downtown Kagoshima in a tram. They also visited the Black Vinegar Museum and a soft drinks factory. The visits to Senganen Garden(仙巖園)and Kirishima-Jingū(霧島神宮) deepened students’ understanding  of Japanese architecture. The highlight of the tour was the visit to Takachiho Ranch (高千穗牧場)where students could see different farm animals and make their own butter at a DIY workshop.


The tour was really an eye-opening experience for the students. It provided a meaningful context for them to consolidate their subject knowledge in Geography and Liberal Studies outside the classroom.


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