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2017-04-28   Careers Visits for S4 Students

The Careers Team arranged a series of careers visits for S4 students on April 28. Students visited different institutions according to their own preferences, including the Sports and Recreation Management Department of the Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, and the Engineering Department and Business Administration Department of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education.

During the visits, students joined a campus tour and learnt about the programmes offered by various institutes and the related career prospects. They also took part in a taster programme to get a better understanding of the necessary skills and attitudes for success in different career fields. For those who visited Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Engineers (HK) Ltd., they had a chance to find out about the business nature of the architect and engineering industries, through an office tour and an interactive session with the staff members.

All in all, the careers visits gave students an opportunity to experience the world of work and helped them to be better prepared for future career development.


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