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2017-05-19   Art Exhibition of Recreated Impressionist Paintings and Kwan Gor’s 3D Works

To enhance their art appraising abilities and painting skills, S3 students were asked to do art appreciation and criticism of some famous impressionist paintings in the past two months. They then tried to recreate the masterpieces one by one. These include Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Self-Portraits, Monet’s Impression (Sunrise) and Water Lilies, as well as Renoir’s Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette. Students spent a lot of time and effort in creating their artworks. Some of them even spent hours in the Art & Design Room during lunchtime and after school. 


On the other hand, our janitor Lam Ying Kwan (Kwan Gor) has created some 3D artworks using recycled materials. All of his works are original and unique, which showcase his great creativity.


Kwan Gor’s work, alongside 39 pieces of outstanding recreated paintings by students, are now on display at a special exhibition held in the School Library, which starts from May 19 onwards. The exhibition will provide a good platform for students to showcase their talents in art and to share their experiences in art creation. Teachers, parents and students are welcome to visit the exhibition.


Click here for more photos.

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