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2017-07-03   Careers Talk Series

To prepare students for their future studies and career development, the Careers Team organized a series of talks for S4-S5 students during the post-examination period.

One of the talks was about overseas studies during which students were briefed on the various pathways for further studies in the US. Another talk was conducted by representatives from the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers. It gave an overview of engineering-related industries, as well as the combination of skills and attitudes that are necessary for developing a career in this field. We were very glad to have our alumnus, Andy Ho, who is a policeman, to come back and share his own career experiences with our students. The talks were all well received by the students, who now have got a better understanding of different career fields and are well prepared to embrace the challenges ahead.


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WhatsApp Image 2017-07-03 at 11.14.16