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2017-08-26   S1 Parents’ Information Seminar

The S1 Parents’ Information Seminar was successfully held on August 26 in the school hall. It was a good opportunity for S1 parents to get to know more about our school and to meet with their child’s class teachers.

The seminar kicked off with the welcoming speech by our Principal Ms Tracy Cheung, during which she talked about the vision and mission of the school. This was followed by the presentations given by our Deputy Principal Ms Jenny Sit and our Assistant Principals Ms Karen Ho and Ms Salina Yuen, during which parents were briefed on important issues relating to student learning and student affairs.

A highlight of the event was the S1 Camp Graduation Ceremony where students were asked to perform foot drill as a kind of discipline training. Some students were invited on stage to share their experiences and feelings about the camp, and prizes were given to those with outstanding performance in the camp. Parents were all impressed to witness the growth and achievements of their child during the 3-day-2-night camp. It was a touching moment when all S1 students gave a hug to their parents to show appreciation for their love and support.

With many more exciting events awaiting them, we sincerely hope that our S1 students can adapt to the school environment smoothly and start to enjoy their fruitful six-year secondary school life at our College.


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