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2017-09-01   S1 Instrument Tryout Day

As part of our effort to provide an all-round education for the total development of our students, the College has always strived to cultivate students’ life-long interest in music and their aesthetic sense through participation in a wide range of music activities. Various music groups are on offer, with meetings held on different days of the week, including the School Band (Mondays), the School Choir (Tuesdays) the Strings Ensemble (Thursdays) and the Handbell Team (Friday after school).

On September 1, an Instrument Tryout Day was organized for our S1 students. The event started off with a presentation by our Music Teacher Mr Eric Yau, during which students were briefed on the School Music Teams and various instrumental classes available. It was followed by the wonderful performance by the School Band, which featured two pieces of music from the  musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. Then some alumni and student leaders were invited to demonstrate the timbre of various instruments, as well as the techniques in playing them. All the S1 students were very excited when they were given the opportunities to try out different woodwind, brass and percussion instruments.

The Instrumental Tryout Day was a great success. By the end of the day, various students had expressed interest in joining the College’s music groups. Apart from regular practices, they will have the opportunities to take part in different performances and competitions through which they can express their musical talents and develop confidence.


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