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2017-09-15   Alumni Sharing by HKDSE Star Pupils

On September 15, an alumni sharing session entitled “星級座談會” was successfully held in the school lecture hall. Aiming to foster students’ interest in studying Chinese Language and help them develop effective study habits, six alumni who achieved outstanding results in the HKDSE Chinese Language examination were invited to share their experience and success stories with our S5 and S6 students.


During the 2-hour seminar, our alumni shared with fellow schoolmates some useful tips on preparing for the HKDSE examination, drawing on their own experiences. A booklet of effective exam skills and strategies, specially compiled by the alumni, were also distributed to the students for their reference.


The seminar was well-received and ended with enthusiastic response from our students. While establishing a strong bond with our alumni, it is hoped that our students can build upon their experience and strive for their goals in the pursuit of academic excellence.


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