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2017-09-28   Seminar on Sustainability Thinking

On September 28, some of our S4 students attended a seminar titled “Sustainability Thinking: How to build the skills to solve problems in the 21st century”. The seminar was conducted by Professor Davis Bookhart, the Assistant Adjunct Professor of Division of Environment and Sustainability from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. During the seminar, students were introduced to the application of various thinking tools in daily life to solve problems in the 21st century.


Sustainability has become an issue of global concern and it is also one of the focuses of our College’s major concerns for this academic year. On that day, all the participating students expressed great interest in the seminar and they were enthusiastic in asking questions. It was really a rewarding experience as they could gain insights into sustainability issues and be inspired to lead a more environmentally friendly life.


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