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2017-12-21   Leadership Training Programme

To enhance their capability and confidence in serving the school community, the Extra-curricular Activities Team and the Student Council jointly organized a leadership training programme for student leaders during November and December. The programme focused on fostering students’ leadership, problem-solving, collaboration and communication skills through various activities.


The first part of the programme included two sessions of workshops during which students learnt about the qualities of a good leader and the essential elements of effective team building. They also acquired the basic skills in conducting meetings as well as planning and leading activities. The second part of the programme was a day camp held at Community Sports in Ma Tso Lung, Sheung Shui where students had an opportunity to consolidate and put into practice the various skills they acquired in the workshops via completing the assigned tasks.


The leadership training programme was a fruitful and rewarding experience for the participants. Through working closely together on different tasks, the student leaders got a better understanding about each other and became more united as a team. Their confidence and determination in serving the school community was also enhanced.


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