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2017-12-17   Working Experience Programme 2017

To broaden students’ horizons and equip them with relevant information so that they can make an informed choice with regard to their further studies and career development, the Careers Guidance Team has arranged for some S4 and S5 students to take part in the “Working Experience Programme” organized by the Education Bureau.


During the three-month period from October to December, students were assigned to work placements in businesses and organizations in different fields, ranging from valuation firms, cinemas, to elderly centres and government organizations (e.g. The Metroplex, RHL Appraisal Limited, Pine Care Elderly Centre, the Hong Kong Housing Society). Apart from observing the day-to-day work involved in respective fields, students had an opportunity to gain some hands-on experience in the workplace and develop a wide range of work-related skills and attitudes that will prepare them for their future career.


Students expressed that they had a challenging yet rewarding experience at their workplaces. Not only did they get a better understanding about the business nature of different industries, but they also gained valuable insights into career exploration. Upon completion of the programme, they were inspired to set long-term goals and plan ahead for their future.


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