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2018-02-12   Staff Development Trip

On February 12, all staff members of the school went on an excursion to the outlying islands. It was the staff development trip aiming to learn more about sustainable development in Lamma Island.

Blessed with beautiful sunny weather, everyone gathered at Central Pier early in the morning and boarded the ferry to Lok Tik Wan. On arrival, we visited the wind turbine system on Lamma Island and learnt about the utilization of wind energy as a renewable source of power. After lunch, we joined a guided tour to Lamma Fisherfolks’ Village in Sok Kwu Wan, where we explored the Old Fishing Boat to find out about life in a traditional fishing village. Apart from looking at some rare sea creatures and learning about fish farming at the Feeding Raft, we had a chance to try hookless fishing. We also had a lot of fun joining a DIY workshop on making salted mandarin. The fun-packed day concluded with taking of group photos.

The trip provided a good opportunity for staff members to enjoy nature and spend some relaxing time together so as to enhance team spirit and boost morale. Apart from having fun, we were glad to have a chance to learn about sustainability issues as well as the traditional lifestyles and culture of Lamma Island. It was really a memorable day for all.

Click here for more photos.

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