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2018-03-13   Hong Kong International Readers Festival

Talk by Writer Ms Ellen Oh


To celebrate the Hong Kong International Readers Festival, a talk was held for our S2 students on March 13. Ms Ellen Oh, an eminent and inspiring author, was invited to our College to share with students her motivation for writing trilogy books to empower readers of diverse backgrounds to appreciate their ethnic roots.


During the talk, Ms Oh taught students some skills about fantasy writing. She also touched upon strategies that students can use when they encounter difficulties in writing. Students were particularly impressed by Ms Oh’s sharing of her experience about being a novelist and how rewarding the profession can be.


The students were fully engaged in the talk and they really benefited a lot from the fruitful exchange with the writer during the interactive Q & A session. We hope that the talk will further enhance students’ interest in reading and writing.


Click here for more photos.

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-13 at 7.49.46 AM
WhatsApp Image 2018-03-13 at 7.50.54 AM(1)
WhatsApp Image 2018-03-13 at 8.19.16 AM