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2018-04-20   Macao Careers and Life Planning Study Tour 2018

To broaden students’ horizons and enhance their understanding of the tourism industry, a 3-day Macao Careers and Life Planning Study Tour was organized for some S4 and S5 students from April 20 to 22.


The tour included a visit to the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) where students learnt about the wide range of tourism-related programmes offered by the institute, as well as the future prospect and development of Macao’s tourism industry. Students also attended theme-based workshops on tourism and took part in experiential activities. The trip concluded with visits to various local attractions like Rua do Cunha and The Mandarin’s House.


The tour was really an eye-opening and rewarding experience for our students. Apart from learning about the available study pathways and career opportunities related to the tourism industry in Macao, students also had a chance to experience the life and culture of the city. It is hoped that on completion of the tour, students will be inspired to set-long term goals and be better prepared to plan ahead for their future.



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Photo 22-4-2018, 12 09 41 PM
Photo 22-4-2018, 12 14 03 PM