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2018-04-20   Professional Exchange with St. Francis Xavier’s College

On April 20, 2018, we were glad to have Ms Lo and Ms Leung, the music teacher and school librarian from St Francis Xavier’s College, visit our College for professional exchange purposes.


On that day, our music teacher had a good exchange of ideas with Ms Lo on curriculum planning, the utilization of e-learning tools in music education, as well as strategies to enhance students’ aesthetic sensitivity and ability to appreciate music. The librarians of both schools also shared their experiences in designing the library web page, and in organizing various activities to cultivate a reading habit in students across all levels.


It was really a fruitful experience for all. Apart from gaining valuable insights into effective pedagogy and classroom practices for enhancing teaching and learning, teachers of both schools also fostered friendship with each other. We look forward to our visit to St. Francis Xavier College in the future for further professional exchange.


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