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2018-05-18   S5 Careers Visits

To equip students with relevant information so that they can better plan ahead for their future, the Careers Team arranged a series of careers visits for S5 students during the Friday Afternoon Period on May 18.


On that day, some students visited Cathay Pacific City to learn more about the business nature of the aviation and logistics industry. Apart from taking a tour of the workplace, they also had a chance to interact with the staff. The other students, on the other hand, visited different institutes to find out about the range of undergraduate programmes in different disciplines offered by the institutes as well as the related admission requirements, including Tung Wah College (Occupational Therapy), The Hong Kong Shue Yan University (Journalism, Psychology & Counseling) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. During the visits, students had an opportunity to sit in a mock lecture and talk with the student ambassadors to experience campus life.


Overall, students found the visits a rewarding experience as they could gain useful insights for their further studies and career exploration.


Click here for more photos.

相片 18-5-2018 下午4 01 50
相片 18-5-2018 下午5 11 18