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2018-07-12   S3 Vietnam Study Tour

The College has always been keen on providing students with opportunities to learn outside the classroom. A four-day study tour to Vietnam was organized for S3 students from July 8 to 11. Thirty-six students joined the tour, during which they had a chance to experience the local culture and take part in voluntary work.


The trip kicked off with visits to various historical sites in Ho Chi Minh City, such as the Notre Dame Cathedral, The War Remnants Museum and The Independence Palace. Students also went to the famous attraction Cu Chi Tunnels, which were used by soldiers as hiding spots and living quarters during the Vietnam War. The highlight of the trip was the visit to a local school where our students interacted with some physically challenged students.


The tour was really an eye-opening and fruitful experience for our students. Apart from knowing more about the history and culture of Vietnam, students also learnt to appreciate the joy of giving through voluntary work, and were inspired to respect people with different cultures and abilities.


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