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2018-11-03   Leadership Training Programme

The Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) Team organized a leadership training programme for student leaders in November. The programme aimed at fostering students’ leadership, problem-solving, collaboration and communication skills so that they would be better poised to serve the school community.


The first part of the programme was a Leadership Training Workshop during which students learnt about the basic qualities of a good leader and acquired useful skills for building team spirit, conducting meetings, and organizing and leading activities. A Leadership Training Day was organized as the second part of the programme. Students had a chance to put into practice the different skills they had learnt through working closely together as a team to complete the assigned tasks. They also learnt about the essential elements of effective team building through activities such as Kin-Ball training.


The Leadership Training Programme was a valuable experience for the student leaders. Upon completion of the programme, they have become more united as a team. Their confidence and capability in carrying out their duties have also been enhanced.


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