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2018-10-19   General Arts Afternoon

The General Arts Afternoon was held on October 19 under the theme of “Resilience and Healthy Life”. The event featured a wide range of interesting activities which aimed to develop students’ aesthetic qualities and creativity.

As part of our effort to promote a healthy lifestyle among students, a talk on “Keep Clean and Be Healthy” was conducted for our S1 students by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. S1-S4 students could choose to join a yoga workshop given by our alumnus, Krystal Yeung, who is a professional yoga coach. There were also fun booths and board displays in the covered playground for students to learn more about hygiene, exercise and health.

A number of guest speakers from different art-related fields were invited to share their experience with our students that day. We were glad to have Hakgwai, a Didgeridoo and multi-instrumentalist from Hong Kong, to share with our S6 students his passion for life and how he tackled challenges in pursuit of his dream as a musician. Peter Li, an educator and former architect designer, also came to share some creative thinking skills (e.g. lateral thinking and SCAMPER) with our S2-S4 students. Students found his speech insightful, and they came to understand that resilience is the key to success. For S5 students, they had a chance to meet with the main characters of the inspirational film Distinction after a movie show.

The General Arts Afternoon was a success. Apart from having fun, students also learnt a lot from the activities. We are looking forward to next year’s General Arts Week.



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