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2019-02-19   Spring Couplets Writing cum Lantern Festival Celebration (「撐你!」豬年互勉揮春書法共賞暨元宵佳節同樂日)

To celebrate the Chinese Lantern Festival and to engage the school community to render support to the S6 students, the Chinese and Chinese History Department organized the “Spring Couplets Writing cum Lantern Festival Celebration” (「撐你!」豬年互勉揮春書法共賞暨元宵佳節同樂日) on February 19.


During this lunchtime event, teachers and students wrote spring couplets to wish for a fruitful and rewarding year. They also wrote some blessings for the S6 students to wish them success in the forthcoming HKDSE exams. It was a good opportunity for students to showcase their talent for Chinese calligraphy, and some of their good works were posted on the bulletin boards. To add to the festive fun, sweet rice dumplings and bean curd custard were served by members of the Chinese Culture Club.


The activities attracted many students to join and put everyone in a festive spirit. For the non-Chinese speaking students, it was also a good chance for them to learn more about Chinese culture as well as have fun with their schoolmates.


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