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2019-04-30   Model European Union 2019

To enhance students’ communication and social skills, as well as to widen their horizons and exposure in a tertiary education setting, the Careers Guidance Team arranged for some S5 students to take part in the “Model European Union 2019”, co-organized by TREATS and Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) from March to April.


The programme aimed at familiarizing students with the framework and procedures of international negotiations, which would equip them with the necessary skills required in their future careers. The participants were given the unique chance of taking part in a simulation of European Council’s summit meetings, whereby they could gain “hands-on” experience in preparing for and conducting multi-country political deliberations about current real-life issues. Each participant was assigned a mentor from HKBU, who guided them through the entire process.


Among various contestants, our students won eight out of a total of ten awards in this programme. We are very proud of their achievements and foresee a bright future for these politicians-to-be.


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