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2019-10-12   Leadership Training Programme

The Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) Team organized a Leadership Training Programme for student leaders in October and November. The programme aimed at fostering students’ leadership, problem-solving, collaboration and communication skills so that they would be better poised to serve the school community.


A workshop was organized in October to equip students with the basic skills for conducting meetings and organizing activities. Following the workshop, a training day was held to give students the opportunities to practise the various skills they had learnt. Students split into groups and took part in the ‘40 mini-task challenge’, during which they worked closely together to complete different tasks. Through this activity, they also learnt about the essential elements of effective team building and how to lead activities.


The Leadership Training Programme was a valuable experience for the student leaders. Upon completion of the programme, they have become more united as a team. Their confidence and capability in carrying out their duties have also been enhanced.


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