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2019-10-18   Science & ICT Department Afternoon

The Science & ICT Department Afternoon was held on October 18 during the Friday Afternoon period. A series of interesting science-related activities were organized to provide students with the opportunities to apply knowledge and skills across disciplines, as well as to keep them abreast of the latest developments in Science.


On that day, S1 students had a lot of fun taking part in various hands-on STEM activities at the booths, such as experiencing Virtually Reality with a headset, building models with a 3D pen and doing simple programming tasks. S2 students, on the other hand, split into groups and attended different workshops during which they worked closely with one another and applied Science-related skills to solve authentic problems. As for the S3 to S6 students, some of them watched a movie about plastic pollution, while others attended a science lecture conducted by a professor from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on the topic of ‘Plant Intelligence’.


The event was a great success. Students were actively engaged in different STEM activities with great enthusiasm. Many students found it an interesting way to acquire science concepts and skills, and they looked forward to more of such activities in the future. 


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