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2019-12-05   S4 Camp

To help the S4 students equip themselves so that they can better adapt to senior secondary school life, the Guidance and Counselling Team organized a 3-day training camp for all S4 students from December 5-7, 2019.


The camp started off with a series of ice-breaking games and foot drilling practices, followed by some team-building games during which students had to think critically to solve different problems. Through working closely together as a team, they understood the importance of teamwork and collaboration.


The next day, students took part in a 6-hour hike which aimed at building their perseverance and resilience. Though it was challenging and exhausting, all students finally managed to finish the hike with the encouragement of their teammates and teachers.


On the last day of the camp, students were taught to build a roman catapult. They also had a lot of fun taking part in an interclass water fight competition. The S4 camp came to a finale with the closing ceremony. Witnessed by the Principal, Deputy Principal and Assistant Principals, all the participants reflected on their achievements and experiences in the past few days.  


It was indeed a memorable and rewarding experience for all the S4 students. We hope they will put into practice the various skills they have acquired and be able to embrace the challenges lying ahead. 


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