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2020-05-18   Hear This! First Ever Online Radio Drama Festival

In spite of the suspension of classes due to the coronavirus outbreak, our College continued to provide students with the opportunity to learn and develop useful skills from the comfort of their own homes. One such activity that 4D and 4I students participated in and thoroughly enjoyed is Hear This!, an online radio drama festival which is the first of its kind in Hong Kong (and perhaps throughout education history!).


Hear This! was initiated by Ms. Tanya Kempston, Lecturer of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. Although other schools were invited to take part, our school was the only school that availed of this golden opportunity.


The festival involved five days of preparatory work followed by one day of performance in May, all done via Zoom. Under the guidance of the student mentors from the University of Hong Kong, our students worked in small groups to produce their own skits. The grand finale was a testament to the creative abilities of our students who put up a fantastic show with their expressive voices, imaginative scripts and excellent sound effects.


Special awards like Most Unusual Sound Effects, Most Surprising Story and Best Dialogue were given to the groups, but it sure was a difficult task for the judges to decide on the winners.


The festival was a great way for our students to improve their English proficiency in a fun and engaging way. Students also learned that despite the pandemic, they need to be flexible and resilient, but most importantly, to enjoy themselves even when times are tough. After all, the show must go on(line)!
